ABAMBORA Welam Cheryl

Welam Cheryl Abambora

Navigating the Maze

My journey at FAITH has been a winding path, marked by both challenges and moments to remember. The idea of transitioning into a new school for my final two years stirred in me a mix of anticipation and uncertainty but reflecting on the experience, I find a subtle bitter sweetness in the memories.

Walking through the halls of FAITH on my first day, my whole being filled with anxiety, I never expected to grow so familiar and comfortable with the environment and the people around me and in such a short span of time.

Academically, the challenges were as formidable as they were rewarding. The school’s rigorous curriculum pushed me to my limits, demanding dedication and perseverance. From afternoons spent studying Math with Mr. Chrys or Electrochemistry with Mr. Wahib, to scheduling sessions with Mr. James, the faculty at FAITH were ever ready to help me clear my doubts. From participating in Inter-house events with my house members, staying at school late for study sessions with my classmates, to Worship on Thursdays to the stress of preparing for Soul Week and so many more happenings, the FAITH experience has been an authentic one.

Each day at FAITH brought its own set of trials, but I have learnt to cherish each dayand view them through a lens of growth and molding. Being at the end of this chapter, I feel reassured that the FAITH journey has prepared me for whatever comes next.