OWUSU Genevieve Ayiwah

Genevieve Owusu

A Brief but Impactful Walk

They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step and I’m glad I took that A first step into Faith Montessori School. I describe my journey here at FAITH as a walk because I spent only 3 years of my life here and I wish I had started sooner. High school is a place of not only academics but of self-discovery and I’m proud to say that not only have I discovered who I am, but I have grown in so many ways I didn’t think possible.

FAITH taught me not only to excel In my academics, but to face the challenges that life may throw my way head strong and confident. There are no roads that lie smoothly till the end and my journey here has not been a bag full of roses. It’s in the thorns that I have found courage, resilience and self-accomplishment. All these have come together to shape the strong-willed woman I am today.

As the time to bid farewell to the four corners of Faith Montessori School is upon me, the only thing I can say is thank you. Thank you for being a guiding hand.