Healthy Living Week
- Posted by admin
- Categories Healthy Living Week
- Date November 7, 2023
Health includes working on our physical, emotional and spiritual life every day. After a year of slumber, Faith Montessori School began its long-awaited Healthy Living Week.
This event commenced on the 2nd of October, 2023 and ended on the 6th of October, 2023—and this was a termination that caused despair to ring through the hearts of students as it meant serious work was about to commence—and it was a week jam-packed with a variety of sporting events to foster a love for sports in the school’s populace.
On Monday, the day which kicked off with Rep your Club Jersey. On this day in particular, students turned up to the school dressed in the jerseys of their favourite sports clubs and around 8:00 am, a general aerobic exercise session was conducted.
Led by Coach James, the school performed a variety of aerobic exercises for approximately forty minutes before breaking off into their respective classes to wash their hands. After the aerobics session had finished, fruits were distributed for the students to eat. The sea of colours proceeded to the field anticipating the day’s highlight – the Inter House Volleyball. Suffice to say, this was not Judah’s day, a trend that astonishingly followed them throughout the entire week. In all of the matches against other houses, Judah lost – finishing off the entire event with an abysmal bottom position for both senior boys and girls overall. Gad, on the other hand, was seriously on form. Their star players – Kojo Odamtten-Sowah, Christian Yartey and Sean Modibo Abdallah – seriously brought their game on, almost single-handedly leading their house to the top position. Levi and Asher put up a good fight as well, finishing in a strong 2nd and 3rd position respectively. On the whole, the energy was a bit more subdued than expected, possibly due to it being early in the week, preventing the vibe from fully permeating every nook and cranny of the primary events.
Day 2 was the Founders’ Day Cup – In honour of our dearly departed founders (Emma Amoo-Gottfried and Oswald Kojo Amoo-Gottfried). Before the Founders’ Cup was the usual aerobics and eating of fruits. The Founders’ Cup was a much-anticipated event that featured a fierce match between the school football team, teaching as well as non-teaching staff and alumni. The teaching staff were the victors of the day!
Wednesday heralded the Juniors’ Football interhouse. The match appeared to be relatively tame. In a shocking twist of events, Judah ended up nabbing the second position, a huge improvement from the previous performances. Unsurprisingly, Gad were the victors of the competition. Asher attained the third position and the House of Levi came last.
Thursday marked the celebration of International Teachers/Staff Appreciation Day. On this day, students gave their hard-working teachers/staff a well-deserved break, appreciating their interminable efforts in shaping them up to be the best versions of themselves A variety of prize packages were given out to teachers/staff for coming first in certain categories such as: Most Organized, Best Listener, Best Smile, and Best Boarding House Personnel among others.
Friday, the day that terminated this exciting week, marked the commencement of the senior Interhouse football matches. On this day, College students arrived decked out in their P.E. kits and around 10:00 am, the tournament started. It was an intense battle between all the houses as each one fought to emerge the winner and bring glory to their house. At the end of that seemingly unending day, these were the rankings: for girls (Asher, Gad, Levi and Judah); for boys (Asher, Levi, Gad and Judah). Overall, Asher was first, then Gad, followed by Levi and – dead last – Judah.
In all, Healthy Living Week was a week that was very interactive, extremely engaging and an event that the students and staff will sorely miss. Until next time, this has been your periodic slice of Faith News